Per condividere emozioni...

PER CONDIVIDERE EMOZIONI... Amante del cinema, della musica e dei libri da sempre. Per una vita ho annotato su quaderni frasi tratte da ogni dove che mi hanno spinto a riflettere e a crescere. È arrivato il momento di digitalizzare tutto questo materiale e condividerlo con il mondo là fuori. Spero che queste frasi risveglino ricordi e stimolino riflessioni. La condivisione delle vostre sensazioni tramite commento è la benvenuta! Gli elenchi per titolo, autore, argomento li trovate a fondo pagina. Un ringraziamento particolare va a Stefania, Clinton, Sandro.

mercoledì 8 febbraio 2012

Omaggio a River Jude Phoenix R.I.P. 1970 - 1993

River Phoenix... una stella caduta... sento una grande mancanza ogni volta che penso a lui...
Ho deciso di ricordarlo con questa canzone scritta e interpretata da Natalie Merchant proprio per lui.

A voi tutti buoni ricordi... 

Natalie Merchant — River

(In memory of River Pheonix)

Young & strong Hollywood son
in the early morning light
this star fell down
on Sunset Boulevard

young & strong beautiful one
we embraced so close
is gone
was torn away

let the youth of America mourn
include him in their prayers
let his image linger on
repeat it everywhere

with candles, flowers
he was one of ours
one of ours
why don't you let him be?

he's gone
we know
give his mother & his father peace
your vultures candor
your casual slander
you murder his memory
he's gone
we know

it's nothing but a tragedy
lay to rest your soul & body
lay beside your name
lay to reat you rage
your hunder & amazing grace

with candles, with flowers
you were one of ours
one of ours

I saw cameras expose your life
I heard rumors explode with lies
I saw children in tears
cry & crowd around the sight
of where you had collapsed that day
where your last breath and word
had been sighed
where your heart had burst
and where you had died

I saw how they were lost in grieving
all half believing you were gone
the loss & pain of it
crime & the shame of it
you were gone
it was such a nightmare raving,
"how could we save him
from himself?"

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